Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Endures all things is a simple blog about a married woman's life in California.  She is a beautiful minded person who writes in ways that keep me captivated. I love her photos that are kind of like little insights into her loving life. The love that she has for her husband is a kind of new age fairy tale. Her beliefs of tolerance are not as visible as I wish they would be in the 21st century, but she still seems to be a delightful person.

Yogahound is another blog I enjoy but for completely different reasons. I learn so much just by reading a few of her posts. Her latest post taught me a lot about matcha, which I've been really thinking about trying.  But her tab on yoga was really something that I enjoyed reading.  She wrote about common misconceptions that beginners have when starting yoga. Complaining that yoga injured them is something that I hear a lot. That they went to bend a certain way and ended up in bed for the rest of the day. People dont understand that yoga is a way of letting your body readjust to its natural state. And that you shouldnt push yourself past a limit you know your body cannot take. The eight limbs of yoga is really interesting because I just found a drawing that explains these and makes them easier to remember.

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