Saturday, October 18, 2014

Connor's A-maze-ing Corn Maze

Every year around this time I make it a priority to stop by Connor's corn maze and this year was no different. Patrick and I switched it up a bit and went to their evening time haunted corn maze so that we could chase the light and get a tiny bit spooked.

Most of our time there was spent petting farm animals and watching bees pollinate flowers and I caught a glimpse of some sort of moth that looked like a hummingbird. It was so beautiful as the sun started setting and everything was just shades of pink and gold.

As the sun set and the farm animals were put up for the night we found a sleeping bee and I got to sit on a hay bale after most of the kids ran off.

This was the point when a child jump on the hay and said she had just puked in her mouth.

The corn maze was spectacular. Normally these things are driven more for children, but walking around in a dark dark corn maze while volunteer "scarers" walked slowly in the corn felt more like a scene from Children of the corn than a kids trick or treat thing. It was just fantastic.

My favorite part of tonight, though, has to be when we looked up. Living in the city we don't get many stars, but in a dark field we saw all of them. We were trying to determine if what we were looking at was the Milky Way galaxy, there were so many! 

Any way, it was just the most beautiful night. And I wish every night was like this.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

These are a few of my favorite things

 Lately I've been obsessed with everything dirty and green. These are just a few things I've collected over the past few weeks.

Friday, October 10, 2014

As good as it gets..

Today was my first say off in almost five weeks. I've been working almost everyday and going to class all day any day I'm not working. I've had no real time to do any of the small things that I love to do. 
So to recharge, Patrick and I took a trip to Savannah,GA.
We left around six a.m. and stopped by the botanical gardens so I could "Stop and smell the rose", and I couldn't be happier that we did. I had no idea there was a tea rose, which smelt like, well, tea.

We walked around the historic district all day and all I have to say is that Savannah gives me the best kind of feelings.