Monday, August 13, 2012

Logical Fallacy and the most stupid commercial

This Dr.pepper commercial is an example of a huge logical fallacy and the sexism that our country has. First, saying that a soda or a movie or any kind of action isn't for women, or "Ladies", is very false. Saying that ladies only like romantic comedies and "Lady Drinks" is just a stupid opinion. I enjoy a really good action movie rather than a romantic comedy. But you know what? I wouldnt want to drink Dr.pepper anymore even if it is "just for men".

Friday, August 3, 2012

My research paper is on Meditation and where it's come from and how it is used to help people actually enjoy their everyday stresses.

By using the tweetdeck and #Meditation I found an article, about how meditaion can change someone's brain, in a good way. Even the skeptics change their views after meditating for awhile. They tend to relax and the stresses of every day doesn't seem so bad when you can just close your eyes and focus on something else.

I also found an article, that explains that meditation doesnt just come from a Buddhist background.  It tells of mediation in other countries and religions and how it is practiced.