Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"Americans Least Green—And Feel Least Guilt, Survey Suggests"

Ker Than for National Geographic News wrote an article based on a survey that they provide every year to 17 countries. The findings, that America was rank the least caring about their environmental impact was really no surprise. He found that the people that have the lightest footprint in our environment feel the most guilty, which means that America feels almost no guilt. HE got a quote from Nicole Darnall, a researcher School of Sustainability at Arizona State University:

                                 "In order to feel guilty, you have to accept that some sort of problem exists," said Darnall, who was not involved in the survey.And in looking at the countries that don't feel guilty, they're the ones that I would suggest are not necessarily accepting that a problem exists. These are countries in which there's still a lot of political debate about whether certain problems"—such as climate change—"exist or not."

I agree with the article, that Americans dont really think about what changes the earth is making. That they dont really care about what they're doing to help the environment dissolve.