If I could photograph everything with my eyes, I would have so many more stories and love notes to write about my life as of lately. I am so completely happy with where I am. I am at a place of peace that I never knew could exist. Although it's taken a lot of heartache and deliberate mental punches to my face, I'm happy to be here. I feel as though I can do everything I've always wanted to.
I wrote a short post on leaving my ex boyfriend. It was so very hard to do. I had so many emotional ties to him. I was dependent on him financially, I had no idea how I was able to get by after him. I needed to leave him though. I felt worthless and numb when I was with him. I wasn't allowed to be 20, I had no room to grow as a person. I left him in May, and since then,I've been getting closer to the friends who had always been there since I met them. I've done so much in just a few short months.
My favorite boys, Eldred and Diggie and I took a trip to Savannah, we explored as much as we could in just one day. We spent so much on Savannah bee company honey and Tea from the Tea room. I really wanted to go into the Paris Market, but it was closed by the time we got there. Next time!
I've gone a few counties over with the same two people and explore Glenn st Mary Nursery. We stayed there a few nights, I saved a turtle, saw deer, rabbits and beautiful old buildings. I was able to breathe fully for the first time out there.
I've gone to Big Talbot Island with Diggie and we climbed on all of the fallen trees, held baby hermit crabs and just basked in the sun all day until we went back into town and got candy from a local shop called, Sweet Pete's.
I couldn't ask for a better summer. I'm blessed and in love with all of the wonderful things that have come into my life.
Happy August, Y'all.

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